Maria Posato

Feed the curiosity.

Find the balance.

Forge the creation.

Maria Posato
Associate Art Director

My Stuff

My Favorites

I could­n’t have cho­sen a more reward­ing path than to be a mem­ber of Rochester’s cre­ative com­mu­ni­ty. A large part of my design inspi­ra­tion stems from our com­mu­ni­ty — its charm, its peo­ple and its numer­ous enter­tain­ment options. With each design expe­ri­ence, I grow more and more curi­ous, find­ing those mag­ic moments in between the nooks and cran­nies of every project. I hope to bring inspi­ra­tion and excite­ment to every piece I work on. Not just for my audi­ence, but to push the bound­aries with­in myself even further.