Inspir­ing oth­ers to inspire others

We’re con­vinced that every per­son has a sto­ry — and that each has the pow­er to inspire oth­ers. That’s the strat­e­gy behind an ini­tia­tive that uncov­ers the dream that com­pelled optometrists to enter the pro­fes­sion, own their prac­tice, and help oth­ers in remark­ably diverse ways. From a young girl who only want­ed red eye­glass­es that her par­ents couldn’t afford to a woman whol­ly ded­i­cat­ed to mak­ing her rur­al town bet­ter, our videos, and writ­ten nar­ra­tives inspire oth­ers in the pro­fes­sion to pur­sue their dreams.