Armando Delgallego

Engine revved.

Data dri­ven.

Always on cruise control.

Armando Delgallego
Founder + Chief Operating Officer

I’ve been work­ing in the agency world since 2004. Cut­ting my teeth on tra­di­tion­al mar­ket­ing, I quick­ly rec­og­nized the pow­er of the inter­net and became pas­sion­ate about all things dig­i­tal. That pas­sion has dri­ven many of the ini­tia­tives I’ve helped bring to life over the years for the likes of Coop­er­Vi­sion, Corn­ing, The Sports Author­i­ty, and Hick­ey Free­man to name a few. Rec­og­niz­ing what a great expe­ri­ence can do for a brand, I trans­late that same idea and focus on cre­at­ing an unmatched client expe­ri­ence with our agency.