Emma Fisher

A fresh canvas.

A palette chock-full of colors.

Let’s get creating.

Emma Fisher
Director, Brand Services


My Stuff

My Favorites

Sure, I’m one of those mil­len­ni­als you’ve heard about – born with a smart­phone in hand – but that’s why I’m made for this gig. I came to born fresh off the uni­ver­si­ty grind with an appetite for new expe­ri­ences and insights. My youth­ful per­spec­tive and eager­ness to learn is matched by my ambi­tion to col­lab­o­rate with clients and cre­atives alike – pro­duc­ing results that hit the sweet spot between unex­pect­ed and com­fort­able. If you can’t find me in the office por­ing over our lat­est cam­paign ana­lyt­ics, you’re like­ly to find me hik­ing, dis­cov­er­ing a new band, enjoy­ing an IPA with friends and doc­u­ment­ing it all along the way (check out my IG, you’ll see what I mean).