Paul Schmidt

A cir­cuitous path.

The short­est dis­tance isn’t always best.

Learn­ing along the way.

Paul Schmidt
Brand Manager

The thing that drew me to this indus­try is that no two peo­ple’s paths are ever the same. My eclec­tic track has tak­en me from work­ing on Reebok’s e‑commerce team to attend­ing art school and from bar­tend­ing to work­ing as a pho­tog­ra­pher’s assis­tant and final­ly to a project man­age­ment role for a supermarket’s cre­ative stu­dio. I can hon­est­ly say that each of my expe­ri­ences have pre­pared me for dif­fer­ent parts of this role — whether that’s work­ing in part­ner­ship with the client, speak­ing creative’s lin­go, or being a fierce defend­er of a clien­t’s brand. And just like no two paths are the same to get here, the way to be tru­ly excel­lent at the job is real­ly up to me.

Out­side of work I’m pas­sion­ate about cre­ative projects, design, pop cul­ture, and check­ing out the local restau­rant and bar scene.